Did Not Receive Amazon Package

What to Do if You Did Not Receive Amazon Package?

The delivery status on the tracking tool may show “Delivered” even when a person did not receive Amazon package. There are several things to do when this happens, but first, confirm that the delivery address you provided was correct. If it was, then you’ll want to know what to do next. Read along to know how to find your package or get a refund.

Did Not Receive Amazon Package: What Should You Do?

If you did not receive Amazon package at the expected delivery time and it shows “Delivered” on the system, confirm that you provided Amazon with the correct address.

Some carriers deliver packages up to 10:00 p.m. So, you might want to wait. Though it rarely happens, packages may arrive within 48 hours after the tracking tool shows “Delivered”.

As such it is ideal to wait for up to 48 hours before contacting Amazon. Make sure that you lodge your complaints within 30 days after the expected delivery date.

If the shipment was a product sold by a third party that uses Amazon to ship its goods, contact the seller first. Below are some steps that you can take if you did not receive Amazon package within 48 hours after the expected delivery period:

1. Confirm that the shipping address provided when making the order was correct

2. Look for a notice of attempted

3. Since some packages travel through multiple carriers, check your mailbox

4. Look around the delivery location

5. Ask around in case a neighbor or family member accepted the delivery on your behalf

6. If you don’t get your package within 48 hours, contact the appropriate customer service number.


How to get a Refund if I Did Not Receive Amazon package?

If you did not receive Amazon package, do well to contact them within 30 days from the date of delivery. You can also request a refund for your missing item via its A-to-Z guarantee refund page.

Request a Refund

1. Go to the “Your Orders” tab

2. Locate the affected orders on the page

3. Click on “Problem with Order”

4. Select the problem you’re facing from the displayed list

5. Select “Request Refund”

6. Type your comments in the text box

7. Tap “Submit”

Note that you’ll be requested to provide supporting documentation and further information (where appropriate).

View Your Refund Request Status

1. To view the status of your request, go to the “Your Orders” tab

2. Choose the order of concern

3. Select “Problem with Order”

4. Under the “Refund Request Status”, you’ll see the progress status of your request.

How To Contact Amazon About a Missing Package

If you don’t receive your package within 48 hours from the expected delivery date, contact Amazon customer services directly to lodge your complaint. Ensure to do this within 30 days.

Log in to your profile on the Amazon website. Go to the “Help” tab and click on “Browse Help Topics”. On the next page, select “Need More Help” and click on “Contact Us”. 

You can choose to speak via a bot or by phone. Keep in mind that the phone option may take a while to figure out. Explain your concern to the representative by phone and leave the rest to Amazon. 

If after investigation, Amazon confirms that your complaints were genuine, they’ll make a refund. Amazon will decline a claim if it is found to be fraudulent or lack substantial evidence.

What is Amazon’s A-to-Z Guarantee Protection?

The A-to-Z guarantee service helps to provide customers with protection when they buy items from third-party sellers who use Amazon for shipping.

It takes care of both the timely delivery, as well as ensures that the receiver receives shipments in good condition. If you did not receive Amazon package sold by a third party, they are responsible for determining if you are eligible for a refund.

The A-to-Z Guarantee service comes into play if you can’t track your parcel using your account on the Amazon portal. This happens if the missing item was purchased from a third-party seller who does not have the “Fulfilled by Amazon” protection.

Before you make a claim through A-to-Z, first contact the seller and give them 48 hours to respond. If you got a dissatisfactory response or no response, you may be eligible for a claim if:

1. If you did not receive Amazon package within three to thirty days past the delivery period

2. If you received a damaged or defective product, or something different from what you ordered

3. If you returned an item to Amazon but did not get a refund.

4. If you need to return an item to another country but the seller does not provide an international shipping label or a U.S. address.

5. You had to pay extra (shipping or customs) charges due to a miscalculation on the part of the seller.


Bottom Line

Despite being one of the biggest retailers on the planet, a big company like Amazon still has its shortcomings which may come in the form of a missing or damaged package.

Keep in mind, however, that if you did not receive Amazon package bought from a third-party seller, chances are the seller probably never sent the package.

Sometimes, you may have fallen victim to a rogue seller. Thankfully, you can still find your missing package or get a refund from Amazon if you did everything expected of you correctly.

You may file a complaint through your Amazon account if your package does not arrive within 48 hours of the expected delivery period. If you bought your item from a third-party seller, file your complaint via Amazon’s A-to-Z Guarantee program.

You can rest assured that you’ll get a refund for your missing package if Amazon confirms that the missing item resulted from a fault of theirs. Make sure to attach substantial evidence when filing your missing package claim.

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