How Do I Track a UPS Package if the Tracking ID is Incorrect?

How do I track a Ups package if the tracking Id is incorrect? No one can tell when we encounter an incorrect Id number. But certainly theres always a way out this. Read on for more details.

How Do I Track a UPS Package if the Tracking ID is Incorrect?

Tracking a UPS package is an essential step in ensuring that your shipment arrives safely and on time. However, what do you do when you encounter an incorrect tracking ID? 

Whether you are a business owner, an online shopper, or simply expecting a package, this guide will provide you with the necessary expertise to navigate through this common issue.


How Do I Track a UPS Package if the Tracking ID is Incorrect?

UPS package tracking relies heavily on the unique tracking ID provided for each shipment. The tracking ID serves as a reference to locate and monitor the progress of your package as it moves through the UPS delivery network. 

However, if you find yourself with an incorrect tracking ID, don’t worry there are several steps you can take to track your UPS package successfully.

1. Double-Check the Tracking ID

The first and simplest step is to double-check the tracking ID you have entered. Sometimes, a small typographical error or an omitted digit can result in an incorrect tracking ID. 

Carefully review the number you have entered and ensure its accuracy. Even a minor mistake can lead to tracking difficulties. 

If you’re unsure about the correctness of the tracking ID, it’s worth verifying it with the sender or the source from which you obtained the tracking number.

2. Contact UPS Customer Support

If you have confirmed that the tracking ID you entered is correct and you are still unable to track your package, it is advisable to contact UPS customer support

UPS has a dedicated team of customer service representatives who are trained to handle tracking inquiries and resolve related issues. 

Reach out to UPS through their official helpline or online chat service and provide them with the incorrect tracking ID. The customer support representative will assist you in resolving the problem and locating your package.

3. Provide Additional Shipment Details

When contacting UPS customer support, it is helpful to provide additional shipment details. This information can include the sender’s address, recipient’s address, package dimensions, weight, and any other relevant details. 

By furnishing these details, you can enhance the accuracy of the search process and increase the likelihood of successfully tracking your UPS package.

4. Utilize UPS Tracking Tools

UPS provides an array of tracking tools on their website, designed to facilitate package tracking and monitoring. Even if the tracking ID is incorrect, you can still leverage these tools to track your package. 

Visit the UPS website and navigate to the tracking section. Enter the incorrect tracking ID and explore the available options. UPS may provide alternative ways to locate your package based on the information you provide. 

Take advantage of these tools and follow the instructions to retrieve the updated tracking information.

5. Track by Reference

In some cases, if you possess additional information about your package, such as the reference number provided by the sender, you can use the “Track by Reference” feature offered by UPS. 

This feature allows you to track your package using alternative identifiers, including the sender’s reference number or a customized reference provided by the sender. 

Access the “Track by Reference” feature on the UPS website and follow the prompts to enter the relevant information. 

UPS will then attempt to locate your package using the provided reference, even if the original tracking ID is incorrect.

6. Collaborate with the Sender

If all else fails and you are still unable to track your UPS package with an incorrect tracking ID, it is advisable to collaborate with the sender. 

The sender may have additional information or resources that can help rectify the tracking issue. Contact the sender and explain the situation, providing them with the incorrect tracking ID and any other relevant details. 

They can then work with UPS on your behalf to track the package and provide you with the necessary updates.


Tracking a UPS package is essential for ensuring its safe and timely delivery. Even if you encounter an incorrect tracking ID, there are several steps you can take to track your package successfully. 

Double-check the tracking ID for any errors, contact UPS customer support, provide additional shipment details, and utilize the tracking tools and “Track by Reference” feature available on the UPS website. 

In case of persistent difficulties, collaborate with the sender to rectify the tracking issue. 

By following these steps and leveraging the available resources, you can overcome the challenge of an incorrect tracking ID and stay informed about the whereabouts of your UPS package.

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