Can I Track a UPS Package if I Don’t Have the Tracking ID or Reference Number?

Can I Track a Ups Package if I Don’t Have the Tracking Id or Reference Number? If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t have this crucial information at hand, keep reading to discover some useful tips and tricks.

Can I Track a UPS Package if I Don't Have the Tracking ID or Reference Number?

Tracking a package is essential when it comes to ensuring its safe and timely delivery. However, what happens if you don’t have the tracking ID or reference number for your UPS package? 

Well, below are the various methods and alternative options to track a UPS package even without the tracking ID or reference number.


Can I Track a UPS Package if I Don’t Have the Tracking ID or Reference Number?

Yes, you can track a UPS package even if you don’t have the tracking ID or reference number. 

UPS offers several alternative methods to locate and track your package without relying solely on the tracking information. Let’s explore these methods below:

1. Tracking By Delivery Address

One way to track your UPS package without the tracking ID or reference number is by using the delivery address. UPS keeps detailed records of shipments and their destinations. 

By contacting UPS customer service and providing them with the necessary details such as the recipient’s name, address, and approximate delivery date. 

They can help you locate your package and provide you with the relevant tracking information.

2. Contacting the Sender

If you don’t have the tracking ID or reference number, another effective method is to get in touch with the sender of the package. 

The sender often keeps a record of the tracking information, including the tracking ID or reference number. 

They can provide you with the necessary details, allowing you to track your package directly on the UPS website or through their customer service.

3. Utilizing UPS My Choice

UPS My Choice is a service offered by UPS that allows customers to manage their shipments and track packages. 

Even without the tracking ID or reference number, you can create a UPS My Choice account and enroll in their service. 

Once you have signed up, you can track packages using your address or even receive notifications about incoming deliveries. This service can be particularly useful if you frequently receive packages through UPS.

4. Contacting UPS Customer Service

When all else fails, reaching out to UPS customer service directly is a reliable option. 

Their customer service representatives are trained to assist customers in tracking packages and can help you locate your shipment even without the tracking ID or reference number. 

Be prepared to provide them with relevant information such as your name, address, and any additional details about the package or shipment.


Tracking a UPS package without the tracking ID or reference number may seem challenging, but it is not impossible. 

By utilizing alternative methods such as tracking by delivery address, contacting the sender, using UPS My Choice, or reaching out to UPS customer service, you can still keep tabs on your package and ensure its successful delivery. 

Remember to gather as much relevant information as possible, such as recipient details, approximate delivery date, and any other pertinent information that can assist UPS in locating your package.

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