Can I Track a UPS Package With the Receiver’s Name and Address?

Can I track a Ups package with the receiver’s name and address? Read on as we will explore the capabilities of UPS tracking and shed light on how you can stay updated on the whereabouts of your packages.

Can I Track a UPS Package With the Receiver's Name and Address?

Tracking packages has become an essential part of our lives, especially in the age of online shopping and fast-paced deliveries. 

When it comes to shipping services, UPS is one of the most popular and trusted names. Many people wonder if they can track a UPS package with just the receiver’s name and address.

Can I track a Ups package with the receiver’s name and address

So, let’s dive in and find out if it’s possible to track a UPS package with the receiver’s name and address!


Can I Track a UPS Package With the Receiver’s Name and Address?

Tracking a UPS package solely with the receiver’s name and address is not possible. UPS utilizes a unique tracking number assigned to each package for accurate tracking. 

This tracking number acts as an identifier and helps UPS keep a detailed record of the package’s journey from sender to recipient. 

Without this tracking number, it becomes challenging to retrieve specific information about a package.

To track a UPS package effectively, you will need the tracking number provided by the sender. This number is typically given on the receipt, shipping confirmation email, or any other communication related to the shipment. 

With the tracking number in hand, you can easily monitor your package’s progress through various stages, including pickup, transit, and delivery.

UPS utilizes a unique tracking number assigned to each package for accurate tracking. 

How to Track a UPS Package

1. Obtain the Tracking Number

As mentioned earlier, the first step in tracking a UPS package is to obtain the tracking number. 

Reach out to the sender and ask for the tracking information. They will be able to provide you with the necessary details.

2. Visit the UPS Website

Once you have the tracking number, visit the official UPS website. On the homepage, you will find a “Track” section. It’s not difficult to enter the tracking number in the provided field and click on the “Track” button.

3. View Package Details

After entering the tracking number, the UPS website will display the latest information about your package. This includes the current location, expected delivery date, and any relevant updates regarding the shipment.

4. Sign Up for UPS My Choice

To enhance your tracking experience, consider signing up for UPS My Choice. This free service allows you to customize your delivery preferences, receive notifications, and even reschedule deliveries if needed.

5. Use the UPS Mobile App

For added convenience, you can download the UPS mobile app on your smartphone. This app provides a user-friendly interface for tracking your packages on the go.


While you cannot track a UPS package with only the receiver’s name and address, the tracking process is straightforward and efficient when you have the tracking number. 

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can stay informed about the whereabouts of your packages and ensure a smooth delivery experience. 

Remember to obtain the tracking number from the sender, visit the UPS website or use the mobile app, and sign up for UPS My Choice for additional tracking features. 

Enjoy the convenience and peace of mind that comes with tracking your UPS packages!

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